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Neil : Hey , Celia , where are you ?
Celia : Hi , I'm in a clothes shop in town . I'm looking for a new coat . But I'm not having much luck . They're all really expensive .
Neil : Then go to the department store . They don't cost very much there .
Celia : OK . Thanks for the suggestion .
Neil : No problem . Is Joe with you ?
Celia : No , he's at home . He never comes to the stores with me , he hates that .
Neil : Well , do you and Joe want to go to the cinema on Saturday ?
Celia : Maybe . Our parents are decorating the house these days , and we're helping them . What time does the film start ?
Neil : 7 : 30 in the evening .
Celia : That sounds OK . Can I phone you later about it ?
Neil : Sure . Good luck with the shopping ! Try the department store . Bye !

Activity 1 : Read the phone conversation and complete the Learn this ! box with the words 'simple' or 'continuous' :

Learn this ! Present Tense Contrast
We use the :
a . Present ____________________ for something that happens regularly , always or never .
b . Present ____________________ for something happening at this moment .
c . Present ____________________ for something happening around this time ( these days , this week , etc ) .
d . Present ____________________ for a fact that is always true .
e . Present ____________________ with some verbs that we don't usually use in continuous tenses : believe , know , hate , like , need , prefer , understand , want , love , etc .

Activity 2 : Complete the sentences with the present simple or continuous form of the verbs in brackets . Then match each sentence with rules a - e from the Learn this ! box .
1 . 'Let's go out ! ' 'No , it's raining ( rain ) . ' b
2 . This week ____________________ ____________________ ( learn ) about the Second World War in history class . ____________________
3 . ____________________ you ____________________ ( know ) what time is it ? ____________________
4 . Dolphins ____________________ ( live ) in oceans and seas . ____________________
7 . How often ____________________ Fred ____________________ ( help ) with the housework ? a