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I can see ! I see with my ____________________ .
I can hear ! I hear with my ____________________ .
I can smell ! I smell with my ____________________ .
I can taste ! I taste with my ____________________ .
I can touch ! I touch with my ____________________ .

When I see the sun or a frog or my baby sister , I use my sense of ____________________ . I am ____________________ .
When I hear a drum or a fire engine or a bird , I use my sense of ____________________ . I am ____________________ .
When I smell soap or a pine tree or cookies just out of the oven , I use my sense of ____________________ . I am ____________________ .
When I drink my milk and eat my food , I use my sense of ____________________ . I am ____________________ .
When I touch a kitten or a balloon or water , I am using my sense of ____________________ . I am ____________________ .