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Learn this ! We use question words to ask for information . We put them at the beginning of questions :
1 . How : way to do things .
2 . How many : quantity .
3 . What : general information .
4 . What time : hours .
5 . Where : places .
6 . When : time in general .
7 . Who : people .
8 . Whose : possessions

Read the answers and complete the questions :
1 . Where are you ? In the kitchen .
2 . ____________________ does Nancy get to school ? By bus .
3 . ____________________ do you do your homework ? After dinner .
4 . ____________________ ____________________ subjects does Maddison do at school ? Ten .
5 . ____________________ does Judy usually meet her friends ? On Friday evenings .
6 . ____________________ pencil case is this ? Oh , that's my brother's pencil case .
7 . ____________________ subject is your favourite ? I love Chemistry .
8 . ____________________ is that girl by the window ? That's Helen , my classmate .
9 . ____________________ ____________________ do you have French ? At 9 : 05a . m .
10 . ____________________ does she go on Saturdays ? To the beach .