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1 . We take ____________________ our hats when saying " The Pledge of Allegiance . "
2 . The dentist waited until the novocaine took ____________________ before filling the tooth .
3 . We take our Christmas decorations ____________________ before January 6 .
4 . What number do you get when you take ____________________ 3 from 5 ?
5 . The backup took ____________________ for the quarterback when he left the game with an injury .
6 . He couldn't take ____________________ all of what she said when the crowd cheered .
7 . You must take everything ____________________ of your pockets before going through security at the airport .
8 . She does a good job of taking ____________________ of small children .
9 . It takes great ____________________ to perfect your English .
10 . I wanted to get a promotion so I took ____________________ more projects at work .