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Jouer Compléter
Hi John ,

I arrived in ____________________ USA last Monday . We left ____________________ Rome , flew over ____________________ Alps and made a quick stop in __ ____________________ _ London . There we went shopping at ____________________ Harrods , visited ____________________ Tower and enjoyed a sunny afternoon in ____________________ Hyde Park .
On the following day we left for ____________________ New York . ____________________ time on board wasn´t boring as there were two films to watch on ____________________ monitor . ____________________ people on ____________________ plane were all ____________________ Italian .
Before we landed at ____________________ JFK airport , we saw ____________________ Statue of Liberty , ____________________ Ellis Island and ____________________ Empire State Building .
____________________ hotel I stayed in was on ____________________ corner of ____________________ 42nd Street and ____________________ 5th Avenue . I don´t like ____________________ very much , but I didn´t have ____________________ time to rent an apartment .

Please say hello to Peter and Mandy .