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Jenny : ( 1 ) ____________________ you ____________________ ( travel ) a lot Pamela ?

Pamela : Yes , but I ( 2 ) ____________________ ____________________ ( not / go ) away as often as my dad does .
Jenny : ( 3 ) ____________________ he often ____________________ ( fly ) ?
Pamela : Yeah , he ( 4 ) ____________________ ( do ) .
Jenny : ( 5 ) ____________________ your mum usually ____________________ ( stay ) at home when
he's away ?
Pamela : Yes , but my aunt Brenda and my cousin George , ( 6 ) ____________________ ( come ) to
our house sometimes and ( 7 ) ____________________ ( spend ) time with us but George
( 8 ) ____________________ ____________________ ( not / come ) very often .
Jenny : Oh , why not ?
Pamela : Well , from Monday to Friday he ( 9 ) ____________________ ( study ) hard . Sometimes at
weekends he ( 10 ) ____________________ ( watch ) TV late at night , but my aunt
( 11 ) ____________________ ____________________ ( not / like ) that .
Jenny : What do you think he ( 12 ) ____________________ ____________________ ( do ) now ? It's Sunday .
Pamela : Maybe he ( 13 ) ____________________ ____________________ ( sit ) in his room . He ( 14 ) ____________________
( love ) films , so perhaps he ( 15 ) ____________________ ____________________ ( watch ) one now .
Jenny : What about your aunt , Brenda ? What ( 16 ) ____________________ she ____________________ ( do ) at
the moment when his son is at home ?
Pamela : I think she ( 17 ) ____________________ ____________________ ( cook ) because George ( 18 ) ____________________ ( like )
eating so much .