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John : Hey Mat ! ____________________ up ?
Mat : Hi John ! What´s ____________________ on ?
John : It´s good to see you , how´s ____________________ ?
Mat : You know , same ____________________ ____________________ old . And you , everything´s ok ?
John : Yes , sure . Well , I´m having some issues at home . It´s difficult to get along with my parents ?
Mat : Tell ____________________ about ____________________ .
John : Yes , dude . Last week my Mom told me to find a job ?
Mat : A job ? ____________________ real ? How ____________________ ?
John : Yes . It might be because I don´t want to study any more ?
Mat : No ____________________ then that she told you that . Either you study or work , man .
John : ____________________ who ?
Mat : Says everyone , man ! It´s common sense !
John : If ____________________ say ____________________ ?
Mat : ____________________ on , John ! That´s ____________________ !
John : I couldn´t care ____________________ ?
Mat : ____________________ what . I can help you ! You can work with me this Summer !
John : Really ?
Mat : Sure . You will just have to wake up early and work all day long with me at the swimming pool . I really need a ____________________ with that .
John : What do you mean with ? waking up early ? ?
Mat : I wake up at 7 A . M . every morning , it´s not ____________________ big ____________________
John : 7 A . M . ? Shut ____________________ !
Mat : You are so lazy ! Shame ____________________ you !
John : Relax , Mat .
Mat : You´re right . ____________________ no point on arguing with you .
John : That´s right . We are friends , aren´t we ?
Mat : Of course . It´s ____________________ to you if you want to take the job .
John : Maybe I should take it ?
Mat : It´s ____________________ it
John : Yes ! ____________________ me in !
Mat : Way ____________________ go , John ! Meet me tomorrow at 7 . 30 A . M . in front of the swimming pool .
John : Ok . Thanks a million , bro .
Mat : ____________________ mind . ____________________ care , John
John : You too . ____________________ you tomorrow !