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Jouer Compléter
____________________ Oliver ,
How are you ? We ____________________ in Madrid and we ____________________ really ____________________ . The place ____________________ fantastic and there are a million of things to ____________________ . We are ____________________ ____________________ do ____________________ lot of sightseeing . First , we are going to ____________________ the Palacio Real , then ____________________ Opera House , the Plaza de Espa ? a ____________________ the Botanic Gardens . Dad ____________________ also going to ____________________ us to the Prado Museum . Mum cannot ____________________ to ____________________ ____________________ because ____________________ are some great shops here . My brother is going to ____________________ a corrida . As for me , ____________________ ____________________ going to ____________________ some ____________________ ____________________ . Spanish food is ____________________ .
Well , that is all my news . See you ____________________ two ____________________ time .
Love ,
Tin a