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Look out ! Rules about s :
a . Some verbs change spelling when you add 's' for she , he or it :
es : verbs that finish with o , x , ch or sh .
I go / She goes ? I fix / She ____________________
You watch / He watches
We wash / She ____________________

ies : eliminate consonant + y for consonant + ies
I study / She studies
They cry / He ____________________
* Not valid with vowel + y : We stay / She stays

b . The verb 'have' is different : We have / It has

Read the Look out ! box . Then complete the text with the present simple affirmative form of the verbs in brackets .

My stepsister Lynn is a scientist and she ____________________ ( love ) her job . She ____________________ ( study ) stars and black holes in California . Lynn isn't American , but she really ____________________ ( like ) living in California . Every weekend , she ____________________ ( go ) the beach . She ____________________ ( meet ) friends there and they ____________________ ( go ) surfing all together . Lynn ____________________ ( share ) a flat with one of her friends , Madison . On some evenings , Lynn ____________________ ( watch ) DVDs in the flat or she ____________________ ( have ) dinner with friends in town .