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Writing Strategy : There are certain expressions that are used to begin and end an informal email , like " Dear ? " and " Best wishes , ? " Buy emails usually include a few other 'social phrases' near the beginning and end . These make the email sound more natural and friendly .

Activity 1 : Check this task and the writing sample , then answer the questions . In what order does the email cover the four points ? ____________________ , ____________________ , ____________________ and ____________________ . Which paragraph covers two points ? ____________________ ( write the ordinal number ) .
Writing task : Write an email to your friend in which you :
a . describe what you are doing at the moment .
b . thank him or her for a present .
c . mention a future arrangement .
d . suggest an activity to do together .

Activity 2 : Read the Writing Strategy , then find four expressions in the email which you can add to the list below .
Beginning an email : Dear ? / Hello ? / ____________________
Near the beginning : ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ . / Thanks for your email . / How are you ? / How are things ?
Near the end : I hope to see you soon . / That's all for now . / ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ . / Please write soon . / Give my love to ? / Say hi to ?
Ending an email : Lots of love / Love / ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ / Best wishes / Take care

Activity 3 : To be given by Classroom on June 8th .
Read the Writing Strategy and the sample below . Then read the task in activity 1 and plan an email for it . Look at the questions below and make notes . Both the plan and the writing should be submitted in the same file by Classroom on June 8th .

Questions to take notes :
1 . What are you doing at the moment ? ( Imagine what you might be doing if you weren't doing your homework )
2 . What present are you saying thank you for ?
3 . What arrangement ( s ) have you got ? ( Use your imagination )
4 . What activity do you want to suggest ?

Writing sample : An email
To : natcunha@gmail . com
Hi Nat ,
I hope you are well . Thank you for the bracelet . I'm wearing it now . It's beautiful ! My sister loves it too , but she cannot borrow it !
I'm in the living room at the moment . I'm listening to music and trying to finish my geography project . It isn't going very well ! My siblings are playing football at the garden , so I want to go outside too !
Do you fancy going to the cinema on Sunday or meeting for a coffee ? I can't go on Sunday because my grandparents are coming to dinner . My dad is cooking his favourite dish ? chicken pie .
That is all from me . Please write soon !
Love for now , Jenny .

Check your work : Have you ?
? covered all four points of the task ?
? used a few 'social phrases' ?
? used linking words to join your ideas ( but , so , and , because , etc . ) ?
? checked your spelling and grammar ?