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Writing Strategy :
Make sure that you include all the information required in the task . As you make notes in preparation , tick off the key points in the task as you deal with them .

Activity 1 : Check the writing sample and match each announcement with one of the following events : a concert / musical play / school camp / school club / school trip / sports day
1 . ____________________ ____________________
2 . ____________________ ____________________

Activity 2 : Imperatives . Check the writing sample and complete the sentences with the following verbs : bring / call / forget / miss / put / visit . Use affirmative or negative imperatives according to the context .
1 . Don't ____________________ to tell your friends and family !
2 . ____________________ it in your calendar so that you don't forget !
3 . ____________________ Dean Richards on 509331 for more information .
4 . ____________________ our website !
5 . Don't ____________________ this event !
6 . ____________________ a friend !

Activity 3 : To be given by email on June , 1st .
Read the Writing Strategy and the samples below . Then read the task and make notes using the questions below to help you . Finally , write an announcement for the event using your notes from the questions . Both the preparation notes and the announcement should be submitted in the same file by email on June , 1st .

Task : You are organising an event at your college . Write an announcement to publicise the event and encourage people to attend . Remember to include information about the time and place of the event and how people can attend .
Questions to take notes :
1 . What is the event ?
2 . Where ?
3 . Date , day and time ?
4 . What is the purpose of the event ?
5 . What happens ?
6 . Extra relevant information ( tickets ? phone number ? website ? ) .

Writing sample : An announcement

1 . Cats !
Come to our musical !
Saturday July 12th from 7p . m . to 11 p . m . in the school hall .
Please help us to raise £1 , 000 for new musical instruments for the school .
We need your help !
Come and see us dance ! Come and hear us sing !
Fun for all the family ! Please bring a friend !
Tickets £5 . Buy your ticket before June 30th and get a 50p discount !

Then come to judo club .
We meet every Wednesday after school in the school gymnasium , from 3 . 30 to 5 p . m .
It's a great way to make new friends and to keep fit !
Are you new to martial arts ? Don't worry !
We've got a great judo teacher . Everyone is welcome , especially beginners !
Call Sarah on 0900 237789 for more details .

Check your work : Have you ?
? included all the information from the questions given ?
? used some imperatives ?
? checked your spelling and grammar ?