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1 . Don't ____________________ ____________________ now ! You've nearly finished the race .
2 . Jessica is going to ____________________ ____________________ snowboarding because she loves extreme sports .
3 . I can't ____________________ ____________________ how much money I need for a computer .
4 . Chess didn't ____________________ ____________________ at my school ? nobody wanted to play .
5 . I turned on my computer because I wanted to ____________________ ____________________ my new programme .
6 . I love arts and ____________________ , especially pottery .
7 . - Which musical ____________________ do you play ? - I play the piano .
8 . Adam is so ____________________ and he wants to become a physicist .
9 . We play ____________________ sports at school like football and volleyball .
10 . When I write and draw I use my ____________________ .
11 . ____________________ cookery book is that ? Mine .
12 . ____________________ game do you prefer , this or that ?
13 . ____________________ taught you to ski ? Tom
14 . ____________________ did you go snowboarding for the first time ?
15 . ____________________ good are you at painting ? Very good .