Créer une activité
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1 ) Stop ____________________ ( swim ) in the sea ! It's too dangerous .

2 ) Do you fancy ____________________ ( read ) this book ? It's very good .

3 ) Can you imagine ____________________ ( fish ) in the river ?

4 ) I'll carry on ____________________ ( paint ) my picture for an hour .

5 ) I suggest ____________________ ( watch ) a nature programme .

6 ) Do you like ____________________ ( do ) maths homework ?

7 ) Tom can imagine ____________________ ( be ) in London .

8 ) Susan dislikes ____________________ ( have ) science homework .

9 ) Rami fancies ____________________ ( go ) to the USA one day .

10 ) Luck suggested ____________________ ( do ) something interesting last week .

11 ) Ben will carry on ____________________ ( study ) English all his life .