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1 . A phrasal verb that means to become conscious again : ____________________ ____________________ .

2 . Something that can be high , often because of stress or bad diet : ____________________ ____________________ .

3 . Something you could get on the beach if you're not careful : ____________________ .

4 . What you should take if you have a headache e . g . aspirin or paracetamol : ____________________ .

5 . A phrasal verb that means to recover from an illness : ____________________ ____________________ an illness .

6 . When you have a cold you : Sneeze and cough .

7 . A condition when something you eat or breathe can make you feel ill . You should take antihistamines : . an ____________________ ____________________ .

8 . You should do this when you feel unwell or tired : ____________________ ____________________ ( on a sofa ) .

9 . A verb and a phrasal verb that mean to become unconscious : ____________________ ____________________

10 . An infectious illness like a very bad cold that causes fever , pain , and weakness : ____________________ .

11 . If you cut your finger with a sharp object , it will : ____________________ .

12 . Two ways of describing an injury that can happen to your ankle . A twisted ankle , a ____________________ ankle .

13 . This can happen if you drop very hot liquid on yourself . You ____________________ yourself .

14 . A person feels like this on a plane when he is dizzy : ____________________ .

15 . You might get this if you eat food which is past its sell - by date : ____________________ ____________________ .

16 . This can happen to you if a piece of food gets stuck in your throat : You might ____________________ .

17 . Adjective to describe a part of your body that has got bigger because of an injury : A ____________________ ( finger ) .

18 . If you go many times to the toilet , you may have : ____________________ .