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Jouer Relier Colonnes

Look at the park, there is a lot of garbage in the ground.

It´s raining

David wants to cross the road.

She feels sick.

It´s very hot.

He has backache.

Why should you use sunblock?

Where should we leave the garbage?

This lake is very dirty.

I have gained some weight.

Margarita has a terrrible tootache.

What should we do you wear when it´s very cold?

He shouldn´t carry heavy things.

I should do more exercise.

Because, you should protect your skin from the sun.

She should stay at home.

People should take their garbage with them.

We should leave the garbage in the garbage can.

He should stop and look both ways first.

I think we should use an humbrella.

We should wear a coat and scarf.

She should go to the dentist.

We should put our hats on.

People shouldn´t throw plastic bags in the lake.