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How to tempt your customers

To be a really good server , you need to learn the art of tempting your customers . As often as possible , you want your customers to choose the most expensive ____________________ on the menu , as this brings up the average revenue per meal , which pleases the manager and boosts your salary , since your tips are often a percentage of the final ____________________ . If the customer asks for water , for example , the server should always ask , Would you prefer ____________________ or sparkling water ? This encourages the customer to buy a bottle of water rather than get it free from the tap . What can I get you to drink ? is too open a question and may lead to silence . Much better is a recomendation like " Can I suggest a freshly - squezeed orange juice or maybe the raspberry lemonade ? " Similarly , a question such as Would you care for a starter ? ´can easily end up with a ´No , thank you , ´whereas the same question followed by ´Our chef is doing our ____________________ favourite tonight : fresh mussels steamed with shallots and served with french fries and a smooth cream and garlic sauce , ´makes it sound more appetizing and difficult to refuse . This means that servers should use positive adjectives effectively - words like smooth , creamy , light , fluffy and ____________________ . They should talk about the items so the guests can almost taste them as they describe them .
Positive adjectives and foreign words can also be used to enhance the menu , which should always be more than just a list of dishes and prices . ´Salmon with cream , yoghurt , and lemon juice and sliced bread ´probably tastes OK but smoked salmon terrine with fresh cream , natural yoghurt and ____________________ lemon juice served with sliced crusty bread´makes the guest´s mouth water .