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1 . - This is an ____________________ documentary . You learn lots of things about wild animals
2 . - It is a ____________________ film . It is very slow and I don't like the story
3 . - This is a ____________________ scene . Two cars are driving very fast and then they crash
4 . - It is a ____________________ film . There are lots of monsters and ghosts .
5 . - This Tv presenter is very ____________________ . I always laugh when I watch his programme
6 . - Lots of celebrities programmes are ____________________ . They insult each other
7 . - There are not problems in this area . I feel very ____________________ here .
8 . - This police drama is very ____________________ . There are lots of car races and fights
9 . - I love watching music programmes . I think they are ____________________
10 . - He's making silly things all the time . He is very ____________________