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1 . What ____________________ nice view !
2 . He went by ____________________ car .
3 . Pass me ____________________ salt please .
4 . He is afraid of ____________________ dark .
5 . If you're hungry have ____________________ sandwich .
6 . Sam was born in ____________________ U . S . A
7 . It's hot , I want ____________________ ice cream .
8 . Make ____________________ love , not ____________________ war .
9 . She has ____________________ shower every morning .
10 . WE always travel by ____________________ car
11 . We have sushi for dinner once ____________________ month .
12 . ____________________ students in this class are very intelligent .
13 . I love ____________________ animals in general .
14 . Sheila is ____________________ actress in the local theater .
15 . This is ____________________ tallest building in this city .