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We're having both chicken and rice for dinner tonight.

We're having either chicken or rice for dinner tonight.

I like the grey and the brown coat, but I they are to expensive. I will buy either the grey or the brown one.

We're having neither chicken nor rice for dinner tonight.

I like the green and the yellow T-shirt, but I don't have any money. I'll buy neither of them.

Neither of us will go to the party.

Either I'll go to the party or you will.

I like the black and the red dress. I'll buy both of them.

Both of us can go to the party.

She will buy two of them.

We're having two types of food for dinner tonight.

She won't buy anything.

We didn't make any dinner.

She will buy one of them.

No one goes to the party.

One person goes to the party.

Two people go to the party.

We're having one type of food for dinner tonight.