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"I will be in London on Saturday", she informed.

"Learning English is easy", they told us.

"I have been to Italy", she told me.

"I might be late", she said.

"I had just turned out the light", he explained.

"I'm reading a book", he explained.

"We were living in Paris", they told me.

"I can match the cards together", he told them.

"It could be difficult to do", they said.

"I haven't seen Sophia", he explained.

"Tom bought a new car", he said.

He explained that he hadn't seen Sophia.

He told them that he could match the cards together.

She said that she might be late.

She informed that she would be in London on Saturday.

She told me that she had been to Italy.

He said that Tom had bought a new car.

He explained that he was reading a book.

They told us that learning English was easy.

He explained that he had just turned out the light.

They told me they had been living in Paris.

They said it could be difficult to do.