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1 . Military personnel ID number 6284 . His blood group is B Rh Neg . He has a fractured leg which is bleeding profusely and so must be carried .
M6284 GBP F1 D3 T2 - - > ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

2 . He is a member of International staff with ID number 6864 . Blood group O Rh Neg . He is bleeding profusely from a wound in the chest and is semi - conscious .
M6864 GBN D1 R3 - - > ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

3 . Military personnel ID number 4925 . Her blood group is A Rh Pos . She has a fractured arm but no bleeding and seems to be in shock .
M4925 GBP F1 D1 C3 - - > ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________