Créer une activité
Jouer Compléter
1 . Write the Past Simple form of the verbs and translate them into Polish .
0 feed fed karmi ?
1 stand ____________________ ____________________ ?
2 sweep ____________________ ____________________ ?
3 take ____________________ ____________________ ?
4 tell ____________________ ____________________ ?
5 swim ____________________ ____________________ ? ywa ?
6 wear ____________________ ____________________ ?
7 write ____________________ ____________________ ?
8 steal ____________________ ____________________ ? ?

2 . Complete the sentences with Past Simple forms of the verbs in brackets . Use positive ( + ) , negative ( - ) ora questions ( ? ) forms .
0 I did ( do ) my homework at the weekend . ( + )
1 Anita ____________________ ( have ) a phone call from her best friend this morning . ( + )
2 Sam ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ( take ) his mp3 player to school yesterday . ( ? )
3 Nils ____________________ ( put ) his pen drive into the computer . ( + )
4 We ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ( see ) any film on TV last night . ( ? )
5 Rita ____________________ ( find ) her tablet in her sister's bedroom . ( + )
6 Where ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ( you / leave ) your mobile phone ? ( ? )
7 When ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ( he / buy ) his games console ? ( ? )