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This is Michael . He is very gifted . He ____________________ play three different instruments . He ____________________ play the guitar , but he ____________________ play the drums . He ____________________ play the piano and the saxophone , but , unfortunately , he ____________________ sing very well . Next to him is his sister , Marie . She is a good singer , she ____________________ sing very well , but she ____________________ play any musical instrument . Their parents Mark and Macy are English teachers , they ____________________ help their children with their homework , but , unfortunately , they ____________________ help them with the Math's homework . The whole family comes home from school at 2 o'clock , so they ____________________ have lunch together . On Monday evenings Michael has got soccer training , so he ____________________ watch TV with his family . Marie has got ballet lessons on Saturdays , so she ____________________ meet her friends on Saturday .
Michael and Marie are very funny , their friends ____________________ have lots of fun with them .