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1 - I ? m really tired ____________________ listening to my sister . She complains ____________________ everything !
2 - Katy's worried ____________________ her end - of - year exams . She thinks she ? s going to fail .
3 - The waiter was so rude ____________________ us that we didn't leave a tip .
4 - They're not pleased ____________________ their new car . It's broken down three times in a month .
5 - My mum's been married ____________________ my stepfather for 20 years .
6 - Tom's interested ____________________ joining the army .
7 - Are you excited ____________________ moving house next year ?
8 - That man over there reminds me ____________________ my first boyfriend .
9 - How much did you pay ____________________ that smartphone ?
10 - What we decide to do tomorrow will depend ____________________ the weather .
11 - Recent research shows that drinking mango juice is good ____________________ your immune system .
12 - You'll have to choose ____________________ this one and that one .
13 - My sister and I get on really well and hardly ever argue ____________________ anything .
14 - I apologized ____________________ the teacher ____________________ being late .
15 - What time does your plane arrive ____________________ Brussels ?
16 - Who does this book belong ____________________ ?
17 - Is Carl still angry ____________________ Monica ____________________ what happened at the party ?
18 - You should be kinder ____________________ your brother . After all you are the oldest .
19 - Now that I have the satnav , I don't need to ask ____________________ directions .
20 - He's the first person in the family to go to university so his parents are really proud ____________________ him .