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The environment includes everything living and nonliving in an area. For example the environment of a giraffe has grass, tress, water, other animals and non-living things like rocks and soil.


A slow-moving mammal found in tropical forests that hang from trees and eat mostly leaves. Sloths are known for moving extremely slowly.





Opposable Thumbs



Human thumbs are called opposable thumbs. We can move our thumbs around to touch other fingers and grasp things. Animals like a dog cannot do this.


A pattern, color or shape that helps a living thing blend into its environment. It is usually used to help prey avoid predators or for predators not to be seen by prey.

A spiny mammal with a long nose and big claws found mostly in Australia. It likes to eat insects using its long tongue and to bury itself underground.

A mammal that is covered in armor made of bony plates. They are usually the size of a small dog and some can roll into a ball to protect themselves.

An animal that eats other animals.

A characteristic of a living thing that helps it survive in its environment.

An animal that is eaten by other animals.