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A: How many vegetables do you eat a week?

A: How many bananas do you need for the smoothie?

A: How many glasses of milk do you drink a day?

A: How much exercise do you do a week?

A: How many cans of soda do you have a week?

A: How much coffe do you drink a day?

A: How much pasta do you eat a week?

A: how many apples do you want?

A: How much sugar do we need?

A: How much fruit do you eat a day?

B: A few, about 3 for a médium smoothie.

B: A lot! I'm baking an apple pie.

B: I eat a lot of pasta, I love it!

B: A little, I don't like fruit very much.

B: Not much, just one or two hours a week.

B: None, I'm lactose intolerant.

B: Not many, just 2 kinds of vegetables a week.

B: A little, just one cup a day.

B: I have a lot of cans, about 2 per day.

B: None, we have enough for the dessert.