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In a ballet class you begin at the ____________________ .

The first combination you do is ____________________ , which means to bend , and can also include : relevés , to ____________________ ; cambré , arched ; sous - sous , ____________________ - ____________________ ; and soutenu , sustained .

Next comes ____________________ , to stretch to a point . These are typically done in a sequence called en croix , in the ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ , or front , side and then back .

The typical third combination at the barre is dégagé , to ____________________ . In class we usually do it facing the barre , but it can also be done en croix , like tendus .

We continue with barre with ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ , circle of the leg . This is done with one hand on the barre , and the leg travels in a half circle front to back , en dedans , or back to front , en dehors .

Last , for a quick and simple barre , we finish up with ____________________ ____________________ , large kicks . These can be done en croix , and frequently include tier bouchons , corkscrews or swivels , and leg swings , en cloche .