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The play Othello beings ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ with Roderigo berating Iago - - " As if the strings were thine , shouldst know of this . "

In Iago's ____________________ at the end of Act I , he outlines his plan to get revenge on Othello .

While on trial in Venice , Othello delivers an emotional ____________________ in his defense which begins with the line , " Her father loved me , oft invited me . "

At the beginning of Act III , Clown creates a ____________________ on the word tail to insult the musicians .

Because Desdemona's behavior toward Othello dramatically contrasts Iago's , Desdemona could be considered a ____________________ to Iago .

A very predominant ____________________ throughout Othello is jealousy .

Iago's line " When devils will the blackest sins put on " is written in ____________________ ____________________ .

When James Bond is about to die , he always seems to produce an unexpected device which is exactly what he needs at that moment to save his life . This is an example of ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ .

When discussing Cassio with Othello , Iago intentionally creates a ____________________ ____________________ with the line " Though it be fit that Cassio have his place , / For sure , he fills it up with great ability " to encourage Othello to think in sexual terms .