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1 ) The statue of Liberty ____________________ ____________________ to the people of the US as present from French people .
2 ) Gold ____________________ ____________________ in California in 1848 .
3 ) Lemons and sugar ____________________ ____________________ to make lemonade .
4 ) The game of rugby ____________________ first ____________________ at Rugby School in the UK .
5 ) The river that flows through Washington D . C . in the US ____________________ ____________________ the Potomac .
6 ) The first game console ____________________ ____________________ by Ralph H . Baer .
7 ) Heathrow airport´s Terminal 5 ____________________ ____________________ by the Queen in 2008 .
8 ) Many characters in Somerset Maugham´s books ____________________ ____________________ on real people .
9 ) The first public movie ____________________ ____________________ to an invited audience in Indiana in 1894 .
10 ) One World Trade Center in New York City ____________________ ____________________ by the architect Daniel Libeskind .