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It has got two horns, four hooves, a tail. It can walk, run and jump. It eats some grasses

It is grey. It has got a blowhole, two fins and a tail. It can swim very well. It eats other fishes.

It has got six legs, two antennaes, two wings and a stinger. It is black and yellow. It can fly and walk.It sips nectar and polen from the flowers. It produces some honey

It has got many tentacles and it can sting you. It has got a soft body and slimy arms. It is a good hunter and it eats small fishes

It is blue, green and yellow. It has got a beak two claws, some feathers and a tail. It can fly. It eats some seeds

I has got a shell, It has got eight crawling legs and two claws. It can craw and walk. It lives in the sea. It eats some small fishes and prawns

It has got a shell, four flippers and small tail. It can swim and walk. It eats small fishes and crabs.