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Which type of gas is released & causes baked goods to rise?

The amount of times baking powder reacts.

Recipe you can find baking powder in.

When does the chemical reaction for baking powder occur?

Baking Powder and Baking Soda are both...

Baking soda is a pure...

Baking soda & baking powder must be ______________ in order to work.

________________________ requires an acidic ingredient to react.

Recipe you can find baking soda in.

The amount of times Baking Soda reacts.

When does the chemical reaction for baking soda occur?

Recipes that use ________________ can wait to be baked.

Measured correctly


Carbon Dioxide

Baking Soda


Leavening Agents

In the bowl

Baking Powder

Sodium Bicarbonate



In the bowl & in the oven.