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DS: "I've forgotten my keys!" My mom

DS: "I can't go to the movies with you" My friend.

DS: She to me: "why didn't you call yesterday?"

DS: Karen: "I like travelling"

DS: "I passed the exam!" Jane to me

DS: "I may be a Little late" She

DS: "I'm sorry I didn't come yesterday" The teacher.

DS: Kathy to Lisa "What's your phone number"

DS: "I Will see you tomorrow" He

DS: He to me "Are you married?"

DS: Me to him: "I must go home"

DS: Karina to John: "I am eating an ice cream"

RS: Kathy asked Lisa what her phone number was.

RS: He said that he would see me the next day.

RS: My mom said that she had forgotten her keys.

RS: She asked me why I hadn't called the day before.

RS: He asked me if I was married.

RS: Karen said that she LIKED travelling.

RS: Jane told me that she had passed the exam.

RS: My friend told me that she couldn't go to the movies with me.

RS: She said that she might be a Little late.

RS: Karina told John that she was eating an icream.

RS: I told him that I had to go home.

RS: The teacher said she was sorry that she hadn't come the day before.