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Raymond Cattell

David Weschler

Lewis Terman

L.L. Thurstone

William Stern

Sir Francis Galton

Charles Spearman

Alfred Binet

I created the formula to compute ratio I.Q. be dividing mental age over chronological age and multiplying by 100.

I shifted attention away from the g-factor to focus on the 7 primary mental abilities such as spatial ability, perceptual speed and verbal comprehension.

I believed sensitivity to high-pitched sounds and skull size would be good predictors of I.Q. I also coined the term Nature versus Nurture.

I modified the original Binet test for use with an American population and conducted longitudinal research on individuals with IQ scores over 135 who became known as the "Termites".

I created the concept of g-factor to underlie general intelligence and the statistical method of factor analysis.

Added a performance scale to IQ tests including tasks like block construction and sequencing of a story.

I am frequently cited as creating the first modern day I.Q. test to determine if French children were prepared to start school.

I created the concepts of fluid intelligence which deals with capacity and speed of information processing and learning novel tasks and crystallized intelligence which relates to hard factual information.