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He found the child in the park.

Peter delivers newspapers in the morning

Most people don't speak spanish in England

Did the Beatles sing "yellow submarine"?

We didn't lock the back door

Did your dad take the photos?

She feeds her dog twice a day

The student's didn't finish the exercises.

Do trees grow bananas?

HP sells computers

They grow coffe in Colombia

Did you pass the exam?

Her dog is fed twice a day by her

Was "yellow submarine" sung by the Beatles?

The back door wasn't locked by us

Computers are sold by HP

Were the photos taken by your dad?

Was the exam passed by you?

Newspapers are delivered by Peter in the morning

Spanish isn't spoken in England by most people

The child was found in the park by him.

The exercises weren't finished by the students.

Are bananas grown in trees?

Coffe is grown in Colombia