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New research ____________________ the Internet is changing our memory .
Researchers from Colombia University ____________________ people with different
questions and found many ____________________ to think of computers . Lead researcher
Dr Betsy Sparrow said that when test participants knew the answers
would be ____________________ on a computer , they did ____________________ well on the memory
tests . She said we use the Internet as a new ? transactive memory ? . We
rely on this to do the remembering for us . It ? s similar to our personal
data being ____________________ up on a hard disk . The Internet acts as a huge ____________________
device for all the world ? s knowledge , that is there when we need it . Dr
Sparrow said computers were not ____________________ us less intelligent . ? I don't
think Google is making us stupid . We're just changing the way that we're
remembering things , ? she said .

Dr Sparrow ____________________ we are becoming very good ____________________ remembering where
we keep information in different folders on our computers . She said :
" This suggests that for the things we can find online , we ____________________ to keep it
online as ____________________ as memory is concerned - we keep it externally stored . " She
explained that because we are remembering the location of the
information , rather than the information itself , we are becoming better at
organising huge ____________________ of data and facts in a more ____________________ way .
She also said the way we use technology is changing our need to
remember things , saying : ? If you can find stuff online even ____________________ you're
walking down the street ____________________ days , then the skill to have , the thing to
remember is where to go to find the information . "