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1 . I've been stuck in the office all day . I wish I could ____________________ out for 30 minutes .
2 . I've got lots of work to do . I need to ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ it .
3 . Jackie never seems to do much work . I don't know how she gets ____________________ ____________________ it .
4 . Joanne always tries to come ____________________ ____________________ great ideas at meetings . Unfortunately , nobody likes them .
5 . In the end , they decided to pull ____________________ ____________________ the deal . It wasn't a favourable agreement .
6 . There isn't much work to do . I think I'll knock ____________________ early .
7 . Our new product will really make us stand ____________________ in the market .
8 . Karl tends to slack ____________________ in the afternoon . He doesn't have much energy late in the day .
9 . If we can't survive the financial crisis , we are likely to go ____________________ .
10 . Bad news . It looks like the deal is going to fall ____________________ .