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The world is preparing for a possible ____________________ of a deadly new virus . The coronavirus started in the Chinese city of Wuhan . It has killed ____________________ people . Over ____________________ people are in hospital . It has spread to the USA , Japan , Korea and Thailand . The World Health Organization is to decide whether the outbreak is a ____________________ health emergency . China is telling people not to panic . The Chinese New Year is next ____________________ and millions of people will travel across China to spend the holiday with their ____________________ . Meanwhile , Wuhan has suspended its public transport systems to help stop the spread of the virus .

The new coronavirus may have come from ____________________ in a Wuhan market . The virus mutated and spread to a human . There are fears it could mutate and spread further . The virus is contagious . It can pass from person to ____________________ through the air . Virologist Dr Linfa Wang said the new coronavirus is in the same ____________________ as SARS , but it's different from SARS . He said people should look for pneumonia - like symptoms , such as fever , cough and breathing ____________________ . Fu Ning , a 36 - year - old woman from Beijing , said : " I feel fearful because there's no ____________________ for the virus . "