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The play takes place in Verona , Italy , where two ____________________ , the Montagues and the Capulets , are fighting . One evening , Romeo ( a Montague ) and his friends dress up and go to a ____________________ at Capulet's house . During the ball , Romeo meets Juliet , Capulet's daughter , and Juliet's nurse tells them each other's identity . In one of Shakespeare's most famous scenes , Romeo climbs into the ____________________ and declares his love to Juliet , who stands on her ____________________ . The two young lovers make plans to be ____________________ in secret . However , when Tybalt , Juliet's cousin ____________________ Romeo's best friend Mercutio , Romeo kills Tybalt in revenge . As a punishment , Romeo has to ____________________ Verona . When Juliet's ____________________ wants her to marry count Paris , she takes a secret potion that makes her ____________________ very deeply . Unfortunately , the plan goes wrong and the two lovers kill themselves . As a result , the two families finally decide to make ____________________ .