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Jouer Relier Colonnes

Political group result of the union of Jose Antonio's party with Ramiro Ledesma's group. It was the main basis for the National Movevemt.

Economic practice that aims at producing everything in one country, without depending on others.

Political party created by Franco. It was the only one allowed.

Expeditions organized by Christians to recover the Holy Places. Franco named his upraise after them.

Ideia that the country was a democracy in which families, unions and councils could choose their representatives.

Doctrine firmly opposing communism and aiming at finishing with this.

Tittle acquired by Franco meaning that he had total control of the country.

Organization in which workers and owners are together. It made workers' fight for their rights more difficult.

Idea of Spaing being an only and indivisible nation, opossing to any kind of separatism.

Spanish nationalism

Organic Democracy


National Movement



Vertical union

