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First of all , more people were buying ____________________ goods , so booming ____________________ in the country . This was partially due to tariffs on ____________________ goods that made foreign import less profitable . Installment buying and buying on ____________________ was very popular for the average American .

The other big factor leading to economic prosperity was ____________________ . Advancement in the ____________________ industry , for example , lead to the prosperity of many more industries , such as the ____________________ construction , the ____________________ and the steel industries .

Then , improved innovations , like the radio , also contributed to economic prosperity through the new market items that it created .

Improvements in travel ____________________ contributed to efficiency and profit as well . Growing industrial consolidation is also an example of the economic prosperity in that it was the result of efforts to keep ____________________ under control .

All the economic well - being , then increased ____________________ of living in America and the prosperity of the stock ____________________ .