Créer une activité
Jouer Relier Colonnes

Proscenium Arch

Arena Stage


Masking (Scenic)

Thrust Stage


Black Box





Ground Row

Raked Stage


Black Out

A structure that frames the action of a play.

A stage surrounded by an audience.

A long low piece of stage scenery. (Fence)

A sloped stage, (making actors appear higher.)

A stage that extends into the audience on three sides and is connected to the backstage area.

A piece of scenery used to conceal part of the stage.

A thin piece of material used to modify light.

A large curtain or wall positioned at the back of the apse.

Light material used for making curtains.

What the audience sees onstage. (Making sure everything can be seen.)

A mural or background behind the set of a play.

The sudden disappearance of all stage lights during a play.

A device used for scene changes and shifts.

A mobile platform used to support and transport moveable scenery.

A simple performance stage, usually a small square.