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____________________ are the building blocks of all living things . The human body contains hundred of different types of cells that each serve a different ____________________ . Each cell has ____________________ that allow it to work effectively within living things .

Nerve cells are often known as ____________________ . Their function is to carry ____________________ signals around the body . These signals carry ____________________

Epithelial cells are cells that cover the ____________________ of your body , such as your skin , blood vessels , urinary tract , or organs . They serve as a ____________________ between the inside and outside of your body , and protect it from viruses . They are like the ____________________ of plumbing pipes or containers .

Muscle cells contract or ____________________ to be able to ____________________ body parts . They also contain a lot more ____________________ than other cells to be able to produce additional ____________________ to help change their length . Muscle cells are like ____________________

Connective cells for the most part ____________________ different body parts together . They're ____________________ like spindly fibers help it to stick to other cells . These are like ____________________ that holds things together .