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R Good afternoon , Sunshine Realty . How can I help you ?
C Hi , ____________________ like to meet ____________________ a realtor ____________________ buying a property ____________________ the Chonburi area .
R Of course . Let me put you through to Ms . Lewis . Hold please .
B Betty Lewis speaking .
C Hi , Betty . My name's Cheryl and I'm planning on moving to Chonburi ____________________ the next few
months . I want to buy a place , so I'd like ____________________ meet with a realtor to see what my options are .
B Absolutely ! Are you available to ____________________ in to our office today ?
C I'm busy today , but I can ____________________ down there tomorrow .
B Excellent . I'll be here all day tomorrow , so feel free to come ____________________ at any time .
C What time do you close ?
B We're open ____________________ 9 to 5 .
C And where are you located ?
B We're ____________________ Khao Lam Road ____________________ Sukhumvit and Bangsaen Sai 2 . Our office is right
____________________ to Tree 33 Cafe .
C Alright , thanks . I'll ____________________ you tomorrow afternoon .
B Looking forward to it . Nice ____________________ to you , Cheryl .
C You , too . Bye , Betty .
B Goodbye .