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1 . - This furniture is made of wood from ____________________ sources .

2 . - I ____________________ the rest of the cake for tomorrow .

3 . - Climate is an example of an ____________________ factor .

4 . - The ____________________ factors in an environment include the organisms .

5 . - An ____________________ is formed by a community of living things , their environment , and the relationship between them .

6 . - This is an example of ____________________ in which the hippo benefits from the cleaning , while the fish receive food .

7 . - The lions were preparing for ____________________ near the waterhole .

8 . - Some animals have ____________________ body coverings to protect themselves
from predators .

9 . - The ____________________ of a cobra inject venom when it bites .

10 . - Your biceps will ____________________ quickly with that exercise .