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Raw materials are substances extracted directly from ____________________ . ____________________ materials can be classified in three groups :
a ) Animal origin : ____________________ , silk , fur , etc .
b ) ____________________ origin : tree trunk , cotton , linen , etc .
c ) Mineral origin : petroleum , sand , ____________________ , marble , iron ore , etc .
Processed materials are those materials that result from the ____________________ of raw materials . They are used to make ____________________ or products .
Processed materials can be classified in 6 groups :
a ) Wood and derivatives : natural wood ( ____________________ , oak , beech , . . . ) , artificial wood ( chipboard , ____________________ and fiberboard ) , cork , ____________________ and cardboard .
b ) Metals : ____________________ , copper , ____________________ , bronze , brass , tin , gold , silver , . . .
c ) Plastics : PVC , PET , ____________________ , . . .
d ) Textile materials : ____________________ , silk , wool , polyester , . . .
e ) Stone materials : marble , granite , ____________________ , . . .
f ) Ceramic materials : ____________________ , bricks , tiles , glass , . . .