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Holding Companies

Multiple Line Exclusive Agency System


Savings Bank life Insurance (SBLI)

Captive Agent

Reciprocal Exchange

Managed Care Plan

Personal-Producing General Agent (PPGA)

Career Agents

Fraternal Insurers

typically have the following features: in addition to financing healthcare, the plan is involved in making healthcare decisions that previously were made only by the patient and the healthcare practitioner.

a turn to describe agents who represent only one insurer or a group of insurers that are financially interrelated or under common ownership.

unincorporated mutual insuring organization in which insurance is exchanged among members and which is manged by an attorney-in-fact.

under this marketing systems, agents who sell primarily property and casualty insurance also sell individual life and health insurance products. The agents represent only one insurance products. The agents represent only one insurer or group of insurers that are financially interrelated or under common ownership. The agents are also called captive agents.

is a company that directly or indirectly controls other companies.

are full-time agents who usually represent one insurer and are paid on a commission.

someone who legally represents the insured, soliciting or accepting applications for insurance that are no in forced until the company accepts the business.

life insurance originally sold by mutual savings banks in Massachusetts, New York, and Connecticut. Now sold in other states as well.

mutual insurance company that provides life and health insurance to members of a religious faith, ethnic group, or social organization.

is an independent agent who receives special financial consideration for meeting minimum sales requirements.