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Mass Merchandising


Non-admitted Insurer

Personal Selling Distribution Systems

Independent Agency system

Surplus Lines Brokers


Stock Insurer

Multiple Distribution Systems

Exclusive Agency System

a corporation that issues insurance and is owned by stockholders.

a term to describe the conversion of a mutual insurer into a stock insurer.

specialized insurance broker licensed to place business with a non-admitted insurer (a company not licensed to do business in the state)

type of property and casualty insurance marketing system, sometimes called the American agency system, in which the agent is an independent businessperson representing several insurers. The agency owns the expiration's or renewal rights to the business, and the agent is compensated by commissions that vary by line of insurance.

someone who legally represents the insurer, has the authority to act on the insurer's behalf, and can bind the insurer (principal) by expressed authority, by implied authority, and by apparent authority.

plan for insuring individual members of a group, such as employees of firms or members of labor unions, under a single program of insurance at reduced premiums. Property and liability insurance is sold to individual members using group insurance marketing methods.

insurance marketing method that refers to the use of several distribution systems by an insurer; for example, a property and casualty insurer may use the independent agency method and direct response system to sell insurance.

an insurer not licensed to do business in the state.

a distribution system in which commissioned agents solicit and sell life insurance products to prospective insureds.

type of insurance marketing system under which the agent represents only one company or group of companies under common ownership. In the property and casualty industry, insurers that use this marketing system are also called direct writers.