Muscular System
Endocrine System
Cardiovascular System
Nervous System
Reproductive System
Integumentary System
Urinary System
Lymphatic System
Digestive System
Skeletal System
Respiratory System
Responsible for transporting various substance & the cells are responsible for fighting disease
Filters Blood in order to extract metabolic waste
The breakdown of ingested food, both physically and chemically
contains: uterine tubes, uterus, mammary glads contains: epididymes, ducts deferens
Consists of the Blood, Heart, and Blood vessels
Sensory Function Integrative Function Motor Function
Hormones Alter the metabolism of target cells
Provides Support & Protects the Body
Helps make Vitamin D , Detects pain, touch
Enables the body to move. It plans a role in posture
Consists of the pharynx, larynx, bronchi