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Anne Stewart

Catherine Parr

Mary I

Louis XI

Ferdinand and Isabella


William and Mary

James II

John Locke

Henry VI (Lancaster)

Philip II

Anne Habsburg

Charles II

New Model Army

Louis XIV

Henri III Valois

Peter the Great

Henri IV (Bourbon)

Earl of Shaffesbury

James I

Pope Alexander VI

Henri, duke of Guise

Charles VII


Gustavus Adolphus II

Ivan IV/ "the Terrible"

Ivan III/"The Great"

Charles V, "Carlos"

Charles I

Titus Oates

Louis XIII

Oliver Cromwell

Henry VIII

Ivan Moneybags/I

Charles VIII

Richard III (York)


Louis XII

Cardinal Richelieu

Sir Isaac Newton

credited with bringing Renaissance to France; brought in da Vinci

child ruler; eventually educated, takes power, executes rebellious nobles; sees self as divine right ruler; big army, takes over much land for Russia; defeats Kazaks; joins England in trade relationship; accidentally kills heir, leaving Russia in chaos

member of Romanov dynasty; becomes absolute ruler; works hard to westernize Russia, improve military, gov't, culture; little focus on religion

invited to run another country (through family connections); modern in ideals (freedom of religion) and gov't set-up (cabinet, ministers)

Spanish Catholic "dream-team"; unite Christian parts of Spain and start conquering Muslim areas; started the Inquisition

sees self as leader/savior of Huguenots; gets the Spanish out of France; cares more about keeping France safe than religion; an OG politique (acts for political reasons); issues Edict of Nantes

pushes the Mongols out of Russia; first to call self czar; starts Russia as a real country

head of Whig Party; escapes to Netherlands after Popish Plot is revealed

gains land both by attacking Italy and by marrying an heiress without brothers

author of The Prince; discusses priorities for a ruler, how he should relate to religion, power, approval; had a negative view of human nature

basically a puppet monarch

daughter, and polar opposite, of Henry VIII; very very Catholic; married to Philip II; prioritizes country over religion in the end by putting sister back in line of inheritance

pro-Catholic; wants absolute power; unpopular; causes The English Civil War; The Forced Loan, 5 Knights Case rules for 13 years without Parliament; tried for treason against own country

leader of New Model Army; temporary head of English gov't; "Lord Protector"

minister of science in Eng. cabinet; president of Royal Society

rules for 3 years; tries to be too Catholic and too absolute monarch-y; gets kicked out by Parliament

barbarian tribe from China; hate cities and destroy everything

"ultra-Catholic"; doesn't want to be too nice to Protestants; also wants to take some wealth and power from the king; forces his way into office of PM; runs everything for the country; killed by plot (assassination)

bored by home-country; allows bars to re-open; pro-Catholic and pro-absolutism, but smart enough to know it won't work; end of reign: sends Parliament out and is absolute monarch for 6 years

Catholic; leader of France during War of the Three Henris; puts aside religion for political alliance

fights the War of Spanish Succession; fights France on an ongoing basis; chooses successor George Hanover (because no heir)

aka "Spider King"; sneakily entraps Charles of Burgundy and takes his land

very pro-absolutism, and institutes it; doesn't use estates general, just edicts; outlaws private armies, cities and castles, and carrying weapons around the king; Catholic

divine right ruler, consolidates power, but rules "with" Parliament (they just pass all the laws); keeps England together, no religious war; had conflicting religious background but understands the people had the same; heads Church under the Anglican Compromise; an OG "politique" (acts for political reasons)

lost 100 Years' War for his country; very unpopular; thrown in jail and murdered

the one who started the Popish Plot rumors

creates a new Church to suit own needs and makes it the law of the land; famous for treatment of wives

noble/prince-like person; tax-collector, in charge of town; eventually able to afford family army

runs Board of Trade in England; famous for enlightened writings about gov't; also wrote about education and toleration; influences Amer. Declaration of Ind.

absolute monarch; builds Palace of Versailles; afraid of nobles and is very controlling

mother, and regent, of Louis XIV

last wife of Henry VIII; regent for Edward VI; very Protestant, institutes many reforms

very corrupt; steals land and gives the Church a bad name; accused of being too materialistic and kills accuser

author of Daemonology, True Law of Free Monarchies; sees self as divine right monarch, Parliament as advisors; ultimately quite unpopular

grandson of Ferdinand and Isabella; inherits titles of both HRE and king of Spain; later retires and splits his reign in half

king of Spain; very nosy, rich, and powerful; nicknamed "the Prudent" for his lack of prudence in religious issues; believes in divine right rule - i.e. in order to defeat Protestantism

rules England for two little princes "until they're old enough"; viewed as antagonist in Wars of Roses; killed in Battle of Bosworth

king of Sweden during Thirty Years' War; in it for the economics, so it's not really religious anymore

wins 100 Years' War (with Joan of Arc); very popular as a result => able to raise taxes => bigger army and can make nobles obey

mostly volunteer Puritan fighters; "round-heads"; fight the "cavaliers"