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Israel and Lebanon both sit on the shores of the ____________________ ____________________ .
North of Lebanon , ____________________ and ____________________ also have coastline on this sea .
Across the Persian Gulf from Saudi Arabia lies the country of ____________________ .
Iran has had wars with its neighbor to the west , ____________________ , where the US has troops stationed currently .
The US still has troops in ____________________ to Iran's east too .
The smallest of the Persian Gulf countries is ____________________ . It may be small , but it is super wealthy from ____________________ revenues .
Between the African country of ____________________ and Saudi Arabia lies the ____________________ ____________________ .
Yemen lies at the mouth of the Red Sea . It is a training area for many terrorists .
Iran gets caviar from the ____________________ ____________________ to its north .
In 1990 , Saddam Hussein invaded Iraq's tiny neighbor to the south , ____________________ . His actions triggered the Gulf War .
Between Bahrain and the UAE sits ____________________ , pronounced gutter .
Like " polis " means city ( Indianapolis , Annapolis ) and " ville' means village ( Nashville , Louisville ) " ____________________ " the suffix , means Land .
Using the scale , ____________________ is over 1 , 000 miles east to west and 500 miles north to south .
India's neighbor , ____________________ , does not get along with India and both have ____________________ weapons .